So I must admit I've been slacking on my blog posts lately. When the weather starts getting warmer and you start vacationing, it's a little more difficult to stay in a good routine. These aren't necessarily bad distractions but I'm at least I'm aware of it and one of my goals for the 3rd Quarter (and 2nd Quarter next year) is to fight through those distractions and stay more focused. Before I move on with my goal updates I wanted to share something sad that happened right before we left for vacation. The night before we left my daughter's guinea pig died, must have died in her sleep. We didn't realize this until about 20 minutes before having to leave for the airport. I also didn't want to break the news to my daughter before the trip b/c I wasn't sure how she would react. So we decided not to tell her until we returned and had someone dispose of the guinea pig later that day. When we returned from vacation we told her the bad news, but to
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