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Quarterly Goal Review

So, in setting my yearly goals I've decided to review those goals quarterly.  I think this is a good way to see how I'm progressing and also see if there any modifications I need to make.  Sometimes we set goals and lose focus of them, so every 3 months is a good way to get back on track, that is if you've gone off track :).

But it also gives you the chance to enhance your goals!  For example, one of my goals was to read a book every quarter, but I'm way ahead of that goal.  I'm already in the middle of my second book, Psycho-Cybernetics.  So, do I change my goals and make them more challenging?  Well, it really all depends; what I decided to do was learn a new language using Audiobooks.  I've been studying German, and I decided to do so knowing I'm way ahead of my reading the books. 

Studying German wasn't a goal of mine starting Jan 1, but you will find that if you stick to your goals, you'll create even more goals on the way to keep you challenged (that is if you want to be challenged!)  It only took me one week to learn PHP, so now I've started on Python.

I will say I've been very happy with the progress I've made with my 2018 goals the first quarter.  If you have some goals to achieve this year I hope you are doing good as well! 

If you're not reviewing your goals quarterly though you should give it a shot!


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