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Book Review: The New Psycho-Cybernetics

The book The New Psycho-Cybernetics by Dr. Maxwell Maltz is truly an amazing book!  This book should be read by everyone!  Whether your self-image is good or bad this book talks about taking steps to improve your self-image, live a longer life, and ultimately be happy!

I myself feel like I have a good self-image, my self-esteem is high and overall I'm an optimistic and happy person.  But I can see how a book like this can help me strive for higher achievements and help me to reach those higher goals!

For those with poor self-images and low esteem this book will benefit you immensely.  The book talks about several examples where people have been down, sick, lonely.  But have gone through the exercises in the book and come out with a much better self-image and becoming much more happy.

There are so many examples in the book its hard to cover them all and that's why I will definitely be reading the book again, as well as a reference for future inspirations.  Towards the end of the book it talks about a lady who grew up with Muscular Dystrophy. Here's an excerpt from the last chapter of the book concerning the lady (Jeanne Sanders) with MD that shows the power of self-image and how this book helped her:

"Sooner or later in life, every person must face catastrophe.  Each person then chooses to rise above it, no matter how Herculean the effort required, or to succumb to it. How can Jeanne Sanders walk and drive a car without the muscle capability and strength required to do so, according to all medical experts? Because of the muscle strength of her self-image, which cannot be so readily seen or medically evaluated."

Like I mentioned above, stories like this are amazing and there are more in the book concerning all kinds of people in all kinds of professions.  But getting back to the basics of why one should read this book. It all comes down to self-image, when you know who exactly you are, when you know exactly what your self-image is, the world is limitless.

I've always had self-confidence and been self-motivated.  This book has just notched that up!  Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!!


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